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Senior research engineer at Electricité de France, Research and Development Division, Chatou, France
Research associate at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Research associate at i3S Laboratory (University Côte d'Azur)

Research interests

Applied and industrial statistics - Reliability Engineering - Risk analysis - Risk measures

Design and modeling of numerical experiments - Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of computer models - Validation, Verification and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ)

Machine learning - Explainability and interpretability

R software - Stochastic simulation - Simulation-Optimization techniques -

Nuclear safety - Geostatistics - Wave propagation in random media - Non destructive Testing

​Email server: Yahoo mail - Webmail free - gmail - Webmail IMT - ENT Unice - Webmail EDF - SWIT wifi - Framateam - slack

Links: Ecosia - Qwant - Base-search - GdR MASCOT-NUM mailing list - GIS LARTISSTE mailing list - Overleaf - Overleaf PAM - Portail Maths CNRS - Scopus - ScienceDirect - sci - Dropbox - Google Drive - OneDrive - github - gitlab - Wik'ing

Internal links: Intranet Unice - THRIPS - Intranet EDF R&D - GitLab EDF - Espace EDF R&D/DS - Espace PRISME - Espace PRISME/CS - Espace P17 - GitLab PSPP - Gitlab form-incert - Espace I3P - I3P/BIAS - Uncertainty project (EDF R&D) of Programme TI - Initiatives Usine Nucléaire du Futur - ONEbox - ATRIUM Sharepoint - SAPIUM Forge - OQUAIDO github - EMSE Git - Sharepoint IRSN: GTCFD, GTInc, GTMetamodel

International research projects participation: CEMRACS 2023 - ATRIUM project (2022-2024) of OCDE/NEA/WGAMA -  TAILOR H2020 (2020-2023) project (Matermost - Handbook) - INDEX ANR (2019-2021) abstract (dropbox) - INSIDER H2020 project (2017-2021) - CEMRACS 2017 - SAPIUM project (2017-2019) of OCDE/NEA/WGAMACEMRACS 2013 - PAMINA European (6th PCRD) project (2006-2009) - CEMRACS 2006

French research projects participation: CIROQUO Consortium (2021-2024) - SAMOURAI ANR (2021-2025) abstract (gitlab, opidor) - DEEL project of IRT Saint Exupéry (extranet) and ANITI Institute - SINCLAIR Consortium (Git, SharePoint) - Projet CNRS/NEEDS/ACIDITHY (2020) - OQUAIDO chair (2016-2019) - PIA AVIDO (2015-2018, Forge) - PGMO NumBER (2016-2018, Git) - CHORUS ANR (2013-2017) - ByPASS ANR (2013-2016, private) - MetaDEB (2015) - Projet CNRS/NEEDS/ASINCRONE (2013-2014) - ReDICE Consortium (2011 - 2014) - COSTA BRAVA ANR (2010 - 2014) - CSDL System@tic project (2009-2012) - OPUS ANR (2008-2011) - DICE Consortium (2006-2009)

International external research and working networks: ENBIS - SAMO (GitHub) - UQ Foundation (GitHub) - Non member: SIAM (SIAM publication) - CASL

French external research and working networks: frENBIS (GitHub) - GdR MASCOT-NUM - RT CNRS Terre & Energies - UQSay (UQ, DACE and related topics @ Paris Saclay) -  SFdS ( Groupe Fiabilité et Incertitudes) - SMAI - GTII (Groupe de Travail "Incertitudes et Industrie" de l'IMdR) - SFEN

Internal research and working groups: DIL (Data Innovation Lab) of EDF R&D - Communauté Statistique et Probabilités of EDF R&D - Wiki interne Incertitudes of EDF R&D - Réseau CEA IMPEC (Incertitudes, Métamodèles et Plans d'Expériences pour les Codes de calcul) - Réseau MEXICO of INRAE - ARF Stochastique (intranet) and Forum of ONERA

Software and patent
Scientific responsibilities
Iooss family


Adress :

B. Iooss, EDF R&D, 6 Quai Watier, 78401 Chatou cedex, France

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