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Senior research engineer at Electricité de France, Research and Development Division, Chatou, France
Research associate at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

Research interests

Applied and industrial statistics - Reliability Engineering - Risk analysis - Risk measures

Design and modeling of numerical experiments - Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of computer models - Validation, Verification and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ)

Machine learning - Explainability and interpretability

R software - Stochastic simulation - Simulation-Optimization techniques -

Nuclear safety - Geostatistics - Wave propagation in random media - Non destructive Testing

​Email server and shared folders: Yahoo mail - Webmail free - gmail - Webmail IMT - ENT Unice - Webmail EDF - SWIT wifi - Framateam - slack - TalkSpirit - Dropbox - Google Drive - OneDrive

Links: Ecosia - Qwant - Base-search - RT-UQ mailing list - GIS LARTISSTE mailing list - Overleaf - Overleaf PAM - Portail Maths CNRS - Scopus - ScienceDirect - sci - github - gitlab - gitlab PAM - Wik'ing

Internal links: Intranet Unice - THRIPS - Intranet EDF R&D - GitLab EDF - GitLab PSPP - Gitlab form-incert - Espace I3P - I3P/BIAS - Uncertainty project (EDF R&D) of Programme TI - Portail EDF 'Incertitudes' - Initiatives Usine Nucléaire du Futur - Programme EDF R&D et Simulation - CASP EDF R&D CC -  ONEbox - ATRIUM Sharepoint - Sharepoint IRSN: GTCFD, GTInc, GTMetamodel , GTSYSPASSCOI - Documents ECM-SDIN :

International research projects participation: CEMRACS 2023 - ATRIUM project (2022-2024) of OCDE/NEA/WGAMA -  TAILOR H2020 (2020-2023) project (Matermost - Handbook) - INDEX ANR (2019-2021) abstract (dropbox) - INSIDER H2020 project (2017-2021) - CEMRACS 2017 - SAPIUM project (2017-2019) of OCDE/NEA/WGAMACEMRACS 2013 - PAMINA European (6th PCRD) project (2006-2009) - CEMRACS 2006

French research projects participation: CIROQUO Consortium (2021-2024) - SAMOURAI ANR (2021-2025) abstract (gitlab, opidor) - DEEL project of IRT Saint Exupéry (extranet) and ANITI Institute - SINCLAIR Consortium (Git, SharePoint) - Projet CNRS/NEEDS/ACIDITHY (2020) - OQUAIDO chair (2016-2019) - PIA AVIDO (2015-2018, Forge) - PGMO NumBER (2016-2018, Git) - CHORUS ANR (2013-2017) - ByPASS ANR (2013-2016, private) - MetaDEB (2015) - Projet CNRS/NEEDS/ASINCRONE (2013-2014) - ReDICE Consortium (2011 - 2014) - COSTA BRAVA ANR (2010 - 2014) - CSDL System@tic project (2009-2012) - OPUS ANR (2008-2011) - DICE Consortium (2006-2009)

International external research and working networks: ENBIS - SAMO (GitHub) - UQ Foundation (GitHub) - Non member: SIAM (SIAM publication) - CASL

French external research and working networks: frENBIS (GitHub) - GdR MASCOT-NUM - RT CNRS Terre & Energies - UQSay (UQ, DACE and related topics @ Paris Saclay) -  SFdS ( Groupe Fiabilité et Incertitudes) - SMAI - GTII (Groupe de Travail "Incertitudes et Industrie" de l'IMdR) - SFEN

Internal research and working groups: DIL (Data Innovation Lab) of EDF R&D - Communauté Statistique et Probabilités of EDF R&D - Wiki interne Incertitudes of EDF R&D - Réseau CEA IMPEC (Incertitudes, Métamodèles et Plans d'Expériences pour les Codes de calcul) - Réseau MEXICO of INRAE - ARF Stochastique (intranet) and Forum of ONERA

Software and patent
Scientific responsibilities
Iooss family


Adress :

B. Iooss, EDF R&D, 6 Quai Watier, 78401 Chatou cedex, France

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